Contemplating Solo Travel?

Try these first!

Taking the leap in to solo travel can be overwhelming and daunting. Even for those that are well traveled with groups, family, and/or partners, taking on a trip without someone else to bounce ideas off of, plan, and execute can feel a little (or a lot) scary.

Dipping your toe in to solo activities and ventures closer to home can help ease some fear and hesitation about diving all the way in.

These are some steps you can take toward taking the leap in to solo travel a bit further from home.

solo travel, travel, travel tips and tricks, solo dining

Going to a movie alone is a great first step toward solo travel because it is a very low-pressure activity.

There is no socialization necessary.

It is a great way to spend quiet and still time with and by yourself.

It is a relatively low cost outing.

You can choose what to see.

As a bonus: No need to share your snacks with anyone!

solo travel, women travel, travel tips and tricks, solo dining, eating alone

Solo dining is frequently a deterrent for people, especially women, considering solo travel. This seems to be an especially anxiety provoking task, but with some practice, these fears and hesitations can quickly fade away.

Starting small at a local cafe, coffee shop, or diner and choosing to stay and enjoy your coffee, pastry or meal instead of taking it to go can help ease in solo dining.

I often make solo dining a date night for myself. I make a reservation for one, dress up a little, put on a little make up and treat the occasion as I would if I was meeting a date of friends. I especially do this for places I am looking forward to trying or for higher end dining.

Bringing a book, journal, planner, etc can help by giving you something to focus on, as well as slowing you down to enjoy the moment.

Identifying where you are physically comfortable is also an advantage of doing some solo dining trial runs: are you more comfortable eating the bar? At a corner booth? Window table?

Don’t be afraid to order what you want. If that is an appetizer, entree, desert, and drink: treat yourself to it! You can always take a to-go box if it is too much in the moment.

With some practice, you just might find yourself preferring to dine alone.

solo travel, travel, women travel, travel tips

Classes are a great way to immerse in local culture and experiences, learn a new skill, and meet new people while traveling, but can also be overwhelming to attend solo.

Taking a class near home can give a feel of what it is like to take a class with others and make you feel more comfortable and at ease in that type of setting.

It is also a limited commitment, usually 2 hours or less, but also gives a push to socialize with others.

There are frequently other solo folx attending classes, and everyone is learning something new so you are at the same level.

There is a level of “forced” interaction and socialization that can help you step out of your comfort zone and engage with others you may not otherwise, much like in solo traveling.

Great places to find classes include Viator and Airbnb Experiences.

solo travel, travel, women travel, day trip

A solo day trip is a great way to live a day in the life of a solo traveler. Whether it is the town next to yours, a mini road trip, or train ride away, it is great practice to put yourself somewhere unfamiliar for the day.

If available and it is not your regular practice, take a train or bus to your day trip destination to get acclimated with navigating transit on your own.

Planning out your day (to include a solo dining experience) also gives insight as to how you may research a place and create an itinerary.

Using public transit at your destination is also a good way to practice navigating an unfamiliar area and transit system.

solo travel, weekend getaway, women travel, travel tips

If a day trip feels like a breeze, jump to an overnight or weekend get away. This is a solid last step prior to taking a leap in to a bigger solo trip.

A short trip, close to home, is absolutely solo travel.

Often, “solo travel” is thought of as a grandiose, Eat-Pray-Love, life-altering trip, but a weekend or overnight trip with yourself is just as valid and important.

These trips can help you learn your solo travel style, your comfort levels, and where your interests lie.

You may learn that you thrive on a packed schedule or that you prefer a looser, more casual approach. You may find you prefer a short term rental over a hotel, or vice versa. You may find that museums bore you, but you love street art.

This is also a great way to cover all of the above suggestions in one trip: have a date night with yourself, go to a movie/play/concert solo, take public transit, take a class, etc. These all give insight to a larger scale solo trip and help prepare for delving in to it on your own.

Whether you are introverted, extroverted, a seasoned traveler, or brand new to travel; taking that first solo trip can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Taking some of these steps to get acclimated can contribute to having a less fear and anxiety and really enjoying a solo adventure.


Solo Travel


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