Protect Your Pockets: Universal Precautions Every Traveler Should Take

Not Another Cheese Sandwich: How to Eat Well While Traveling on a Budget
Tips for eating well, while traveling on a budget.

Housesitting 101: Complete Guide to Getting Started
Housesitting can be a great way to see the world while living rent free. Here is your guide to how to decide if it is right for you and get started.

Solo Travel
And that is it: that is the big secret unveiled, the key to all the solo travel doors: You have done this all before, this is not new, just keep doing what are doing - just somewhere else.

Contemplating Solo Travel?
Dipping your toe in to solo activities and ventures closer to home can help ease some fear and hesitation about diving all the way in.

Navigating Vacation Rentals: Insider Tips and Tricks
Tips for the vacation rental rookie

Potty Talk
Confidently navigate bathrooms abroad with this comprehensive guide. Discover essential tips, cultural etiquette, and practical advice for using public restrooms in different countries.

Talk to Strangers - How to Find Meaningful Connects While Traveling
Second only to food, my favorite part of travel is meeting new people.
Whether it is a brief encounter, or the start of a life long friendship; the people are what make the trip.