Bathing Suit Shopping… Abroad
Where are we headed, you may ask? To find a plus size bathing suit... in Portugal… on a budget.

That Time I Missed the Bus to Machu Picchu

Table for 1
Even the most confident solo diners can have moments of doubt

Holy Shit, I Quit My Job
I haven't had to be too money conscious, and while I am far from extravagant or luxe, I am also far from a budget traveler.
So, why TF would anyone quit a fully remote, 6 figure job?

Passport Privilege
I remembered that in the last year, I have passed immigration countless times and never worried. On several of these occasions, I wasn’t even spoken to, just stamped and sent on my way.

40 & Feral
This life is not what I expected in any way, shape or form, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

The Magic of México
Mexico is so much more than
resorts and beaches