hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Mexico City Food and Drink

Mexico City is an absolute culinary paradise! From authentic Mexican dishes, to fusion, to pizza, fine dining to street food, Mexico City truly has something for everyone.

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle


From neighborhoods, to navigating taxis and transit, to money exchange, to what sites to see, this is your ultimate guide to Istanbul

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Contemplating Solo Travel?

Dipping your toe in to solo activities and ventures closer to home can help ease some fear and hesitation about diving all the way in.

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Passport Privilege

I remembered that in the last year, I have passed immigration countless times and never worried. On several of these occasions, I wasn’t even spoken to, just stamped and sent on my way.

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Potty Talk

Shining a little light on the unexpected adventures bathrooms can present so your brain isn’t swirling (ha, get it?) when you walk in to one of these … sit-u-ations.

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Talk to Strangers

Second only to food, my favorite part of travel is meeting new people.

Whether it is a brief encounter, or the start of a life long friendship; the people are what make the trip.

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hillary dowdle hillary dowdle

Solo Travel

And that is it: that is the big secret unveiled, the key to all the solo travel doors: You have done this all before, this is not new, just keep doing what are doing - just somewhere else.

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